
R is one of the most powerful data science languages today. PranaGEO offers professional-grade set of trainings around data analysis with R.
Every training module takes two full days to complete and include face to face interaction with the instructor and hands on exercises in classroom .
Our Customers
We support Open Data Science
PranaGEO vision and mission is to support Open Data Science, which is a movement that makes the open source tools of data science—data, analytics and computation—work together as a connected ecosystem. In order to support this mission we provide data science and R education to universities. We already provided this to the following universities.
We provide
Introduction to R
Get started with R. This course is for absolute beginners as well as those who have basic R knowledge.
– R Software and popular graphical interfaces
– Native R Data structures
– Introduction to programming in R part II
– Statistical data analysis with R part I
– Graphical data visualization
Rstudio Shiny
Web application development with Rstudio’s Shiny framework. Bring the computing power of R into the web.
– Introduction to Shiny and reactive programming
– Learn to use htmlwidgets-based interactive data display packages
– Creating simple websites with data visualization
– Making interactive dashboards
R for the Geospatial Analysis
R offers powerful extensions that allow working with geospatial data and interactive maps.
– GeoSpatial data – Import, export. Common data formats.
– GeoSpatial Data Analysis
– Introduction to Spatial Statistics
– Spectral Data Analysis in R
– Remote Sensing data with R
Data Analysis and Publishing
Learn how to access, manipulate and visualize dataset contents. Database connections.
– Introduction to programming in R part III
– Advanced programming in R
New Technologies in R
Contributors offer newest technologies through 3rd party add-ons, making R even more powerful.
– New R Packages that Changed the Game : tidyverse
– R and NoSQL Databases :
– Big Data Practices in R
– Interactive Data visualization with Javascript Libraries in R
Customized Trainings
Let’s create together a training that will be designed exactly to your needs.
You have a data-related task/problem in hand and you want to learn R to be able solve your particular challenge? Then the customized training is perfect for you. While you learn R, we will build together the solution you need. One stone two birds.