Ocean Optics XXIII
Data Science
PRANAGEO joined the Ocean Optics XXIII conference Oct 23-26 2016 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada where over 300 attendees gathered from around the world to get the latest knowledge about the science of Ocean Optics(*1)
We presented our new product geoSpectRal, an R package providing a new data type for R that stores spectral, temporal and spatial attributes of field measurement data as well as methods for accessing,manipulating and visualizing the spectral (and non-spectral) components.

During this 5-day conference, we presented our geoSpectRal poster in the exhibition space. We networked with 100 scientists, research centres and Ocean Optic companies and discussed their latest research, products and inventions.
During the conference, we had interactive discussions on the use of geoSpectRal, with potential customers and business partners which helped us to improve and extend our products and roadmap for further development.